Thursday, June 12, 2008

Am I the Odd Man Out?

Apparently there's this new thing called a "chick flick". The Herald talks about nothing else; Bert did it last week, Richard Glover did it a couple of days ago. Let me just put my hand up here and say that I loved the original Sex and the City, well, the early seasons anyway; my favourite films include When Harry Met Sally and Terms of Endearment, and I can even see why emotions run high when Mr Darcy emerges dripping from his morning swim. Can't we just forget this ridiculous myth that men are incapable of enjoying anything that doesn't go bang?

Lee Borkman
12 June 2008


  1. Well in most chick flicks (especially Sex in the City) there is at least some Banging!!!

  2. At this point in a young blog's life, perhaps I can be forgiven for favouring quantity of comments over quality...
