Reverend Gordon Cheng (Letters, Sept 29) believes that it would be unfair if students who choose to attend scripture classes cannot also attend the ethics classes. But of course it's not unfair; it's simply a choice, a choice that would be equally available to all students. Tick one box only... scripture class or ethics class. It's like my local cafe's lunch special... you have to choose salad or chips to go with your steak, and nobody thinks this is unfair.
Good Christians like the Reverend Cheng need to realise that the world goes on turning, even when scripture class is on. If the scripture classes are so valuable, then I'm sure that those who attend will feel that they have made the right choice. Most likely the misguided souls in the ethics classes will feel that it is they who have made the right choice. This is what some people might describe as a "win-win". So please get out of the way - It is not right, nor can it ever be right, to wilfully prevent children from being educated.
Lee Borkman
29 September 2009
Spot on! Perhaps Reverend Cheng might want to send his children along to the ethics class and teach them all about religion on his own time. I am sure he is moderately qualified to do so.