Friday, December 24, 2010

A Christmas love letter to Twitter

I first ventured into the Twitter realm just a few short weeks ago, and I am so glad I did. What a wonderful place it is, and all born of the simplest of ideas. Thousands, millions of fragments of monologue floating about, some unnoticed, others bumping into each other by chance, perhaps coalescing into conversation. Strange forces of attraction draw us together, forming order from the chaos. Solar systems and galaxies of friendship swirl about, and the universe takes on shape, giving us location within it.

I find myself flying in a figure-of-eight orbit about two distinct communities, with nothing in common except, perhaps, me. And everyone else, no doubt, inhabits their own unique set of systems. For Twitter, unlike the real world, is built on true interest and attraction. Acquaintance is not forced upon us by banal geography, and small talk is rare. The result is real conversation, full of play or seriousness, sometimes silly, sometimes profound.

I love it.

I have met some wonderful people in my brief time here, and I look forward to meeting many more. Those special few, I hope you know who you are... you have made my life a little brighter, a little richer.

Anyway, it is very late on Christmas Eve. I'm generally tired and emotional, and I have fatherly duties waiting on me. I apologise for the purple prose, but I just wanted to tell you how beautiful I find all of this, and how strange that it should grow from such a simple, technological seed.

I wish you all love and joy, this Christmas and beyond, and I hope to speak with you very soon.
Merry Christmas to all, and to all... goodnight!

Lee Borkman

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Lee! You're a wonderful addition to the Twitscape.
